Torrent download complete notification on android phone
I believe there may be a couple of ways through which you can receive torrent download complete notification on your android smart phone.
I will explain in this post how to use Pushover API with python to receive notifications.
Pushover is a platform for sending and receiving push notifications. On the server side, we provide an HTTP API for queueing messages to deliver to devices. On the device side, our iOS and Android clients receive those push notifications, show them to the user, and store them for offline viewing.
Now, there are a some steps which needs to be done before we start writing our python script.
Now, there are a some steps which needs to be done before we start writing our python script.
- Download and install Pushover from google play.
- Now visit Pushover and login with your credentials.
- Now visit and click on create new application.
- Now enter the required information for your app like Name, Type(select script), Description, Icon and click on create application.
- Upon successful creation you will be assigned a new application API token.
- Now return to your homepage and you will see Your User Key.
Lets start writing our python script. We will be using python-pushover api. Please go through the README section to see how to install it.
import sys import pushover from pushover import Client torrent_file_name = sys.argv[1] #%N torrent_status = sys.argv[2] #%Snotification_message = "Download Complete"if int(torrent_status) == 5:pushover.init('application API token') #Got in step 5. client = Client('Your User Key') #Got in step 6. client.send_message(notification_message, title=torrent_file_name, priority=0)else: sys.exit(0)
Now, we have to bind our python script with uTorrent application. uTorrent provides a way to execute a specific program when torrent download finishes.
Now, lets see how notifications look on our android device.
Pushover API can be used with a variety of languages. You can find the relevant details in the FAQ Section.
ReplyDeleteDoes it work on the platform Windows Script
i am install script in windows and everthing ok but not send push
ReplyDeletemy install
ReplyDeletewindows 7 64 bit
python 2.7.6
utorrent 3.3
plz modified script for work in windows 7
thank you