Torrent download complete notification on android phone

6/11/2013 Posted by garran

I believe there may be a couple of ways through which you can receive torrent download complete notification on your android smart phone.

I will explain in this post how to use Pushover API with python to receive notifications.

Pushover is a platform for sending and receiving push notifications. On the server side, we provide an HTTP API for queueing messages to deliver to devices. On the device side, our iOS and Android clients receive those push notifications, show them to the user, and store them for offline viewing.

Now, there are a some steps which needs to be done before we start writing our python script.

  • Download and install Pushover from google play.
  • Now visit Pushover and login with your credentials.
  • Now visit and click on create new application.
  • Now enter the required information for your app like Name, Type(select script), Description, Icon and click on create application.
  • Upon successful creation you will be assigned a new application API token.
  • Now return to your homepage and you will see Your User Key.

Lets start writing our python script. We will be using python-pushover api. Please go through the README section to see how to install it.

import sys

import pushover
from pushover import Client

torrent_file_name = sys.argv[1]   #%N
torrent_status = sys.argv[2]   #%S
notification_message = "Download Complete"
if int(torrent_status) == 5:
pushover.init('application API token')  #Got in step 5. client = Client('Your User Key')  #Got in step 6. client.send_message(notification_message, title=torrent_file_name, priority=0)
else: sys.exit(0)
Now, we have to bind our python script with uTorrent application. uTorrent provides a way to execute a specific program when torrent download finishes.

Now, lets see how notifications look on our android device.

Pushover API can be used with a variety of languages. You can find the relevant details in the FAQ Section.

Python script to fetch messages from facebook account

10/14/2012 Posted by garran

We are going to write a python script which on execution will fetch unread messages from your facebook account. My motivation behind writing this script is my pathetic slow internet connection due to which sometimes it took me around 1-3 minutes to just check if there are any new messages. So, I thought why not write a python script to achieve this task. The python facebook API we are going to use is facepy. I would try to be as descriptive as possible while writing this blog post.

First, of all download the zip file from the facepy github page or those who are familiar with git can use git clone to clone the repository. Now, open your terminal/DOS prompt and move to the directory where you have either extracted the zip file contents or cloned the repository and type
    python install (Windows Users)

    sudo python install (Linux Users)

Make sure you installed the latest version from github because the pip one is not updated.

Now, there are two possible ways to query facebook for messages. We will discuss both ways and see the shortcomings of one over the other.

Method 1

Facebook uses access token to authenticate a user and gives it the ability to know the identity of a facebook user. There are mainly 3 types of access token user, page, app. The one we are interested here is the user access token. Now, to get the user access token visit  and click on Get access token and it will ask for some permission so go to extended permission tab and grant it read_mailbox permission. Read more about extended permissions in facebook docs.

After the above step you will be granted a new access token and also graph explorer will show you the output of  /yourid?fields=id,name which will be your facebook id and your name. If you are not able to see the above output make sure you followed the steps correctly.

So, now you have got the access token which we will use to authenticate ourself against facebook.  Remember I talked about discussing the shortcomings of one of the method so lets discuss it. Again visit  and you will see facebook will automatically fill the access token field. Now, click on the Debug button you see next to token field and facebook will show some information related to your access token. The information we are interested in is Expires field which will show you something like

           Expires xxxxx (in about an hour)

So, by now you might have guessed the shortcoming of method 1 i.e. our access token will expire in about an hour or two. What this means is that every two hours we have to fetch a new token if we want to continue using our python script otherwise it will raise an OAuthError. The token we got above is called short lived access token valid for approx. 2 hours at most.

Method 2

Facebook provide an option to get access tokens which have a long-live expiration time. Currently the long-lived user access token will be valid for 60 days while the short-lived user access tokens are valid from 1 to 2 hours.  Now to extend a short-lived token we are going to use get_extended_access_token method of facepy. If you observe the above method it requires an application_id and application_secret_key along with the token.

So, let's get them:

Now, I am not going to go into the details of how to create a new app on facebook because its fairly easy and you can follow any guide you want but keep in mind to give proper permissions to the app.

Once you have created a new app you will be able to see App ID/API Key and App secret mentioned at the application's facebook page. Once again visit  and this time select application as your app_name and copy the access_token. Now, substitute the value of short-lived access token, app_id, app_secret in the below code

Here app_name is MessageFetcher

#Imports from facepy api
from facepy.utils import get_extended_access_token

#App key/APP ID and App_secret from
app_id = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
app_secret = 'yyyyyyyyyyyy'

#Token got by selecting app_name from the drop-down list.
short_lived_access_token = "token"

long_lived_access_token, expires_at = get_extended_access_token(
    app_id, app_secret)

print long_lived_access_token
print expires_at
Save it as and run it as python and you will see it will output an extended token along with it's expiration date. My output is:
      2012-12-12 20:39:14.679582 # Approx. two months
You can also check whether the token you got is long-lived or not by using the graph explorer debug method. So, we have got a token which has an expiration period of 60 days.

Let's get back to our main objective to fetch messages from facebook. We are going to read messages by querying the thread table using FQL.

From facebook docs:


         FQL stands for facebook query language. FQL, enables you to use a SQL-style interface to query the data exposed by the Graph API.

Thread Table:

         Information about message threads in a user's inbox as represented in FQL. To access the thread table you need an access token with extended read_mailbox permissions.

FQL we are going to use is
SELECT snippet, snippet_author, recipients FROM thread WHERE folder_id = 0 and unread != 0
You can get the meaning of columns mentioned in the fql query by visiting the thread page. So, our work is done just use the below code substitute the required value and run it.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys

from facepy import GraphAPI
from facepy import exceptions

#Acces token with expire time = 60days

#Facebook app id and secret from
APP_ID = 'xxxxxxxxxxxx'
SECRET_KEY = 'yyyyyyyyyyy'

def user_id_to_username(userid):

    """ Function to convert facebook USERID to username. """

    if userid is not None:

        userid = '/{0}'.format(userid)
            return  graph.get(userid)['name']

        except (exceptions.FacebookError, exceptions.OAuthError) as e:
            print e.message

def get_message_author(message_list):

    """ Function to get the author of message."""

    return user_id_to_username(message_list['snippet_author'])

def get_message_author_id(message_list):

    """ Function to get the author ID."""

    return message_list['snippet_author']

def get_message_body(message_list):

    """ Function to get the message or message body."""

    return message_list['snippet']

def get_recipients_list(message_list):

    """ Function to get all the recipients of a message."""

    author = get_message_author_id(message_list)
    temp = message_list['recipients']

    #Facebook includes author as a recipient too. So, we are going to remove it from the
    #list of recepients.
    return ", ".join(map(user_id_to_username, temp))

def pretty_print(message_list):

    """ Function which prints the o/p in a specified format."""

    for message in message_list:

        print "from:     ", get_message_author(message)
        print "to:       ", get_recipients_list(message)
        print "Message:  ", get_message_body(message)
        print "-" * 140

#Creating facebook GraphAPI object using the long live token.

#Output of the facebook query language(FQL)
#This FQL queries for message body, author, recipients for unread messages.
    json_output = graph.fql(
        'SELECT snippet, snippet_author, recipients FROM thread WHERE folder_id = 0  and unread != 0 Limit 4')
except exceptions.OAuthError as e:
    print e.message

#Extracting the data content part from the returned json response. The data part will
#contain snippet, author, recepients.
message_list = json_output['data']

#Checking if empty or not.
if message_list:
    print "No New Messages"
The output will look like:
garran@garran:~$ python 
from:      TestUser1
to:        TestUser2
Message:   This is a test message.
from:      TestUser2
to:        TestUser1
Message:   Just Checking.
Source code is available at bitbucket.